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Research organization

The organization of research at CRS-NDI is based on the achievements of the commitment of the members of the Sillon Noir and all the theoretical work of the actors of the QIC Center from 1970 to 1990, and from 1990 to 2001. 

Focused on the cultural subject, this research has made it possible to shed light on the form of intellectuality that traditional Africa has developed and which has served in the creation, management and transmission of elements of culture, generation in generation. 

It has also made it possible, thanks to the work of academics, to open up traditional Africa to the whole field of modern rationality. It has finally made possible the circumscription of a new field of study: emerging cultures.

The common element of these three strata of the rapidly changing African cultural reality is the existence of a “social intelligence” (E. Adé) to think about. There is a “social structuring of intelligence” which could serve as a model for the organization of research.  In this way, research teams come out of academic confinement to open up to real social life and constitute a kind of “open-air laboratory” (B. Adoukonou).


Les laboratoires de CRS-NDI

Le laboratoire emblématique du CRS-NDI est celui fondé par le théologien Barthélemy Adoukonou en mémoire du Sage Intellectuel communautaire Daa René Akanzan (Laboratoire d'Anthropologie et d'Historiographie du Sage Intellectuel Communautaire – LAHSIC). 

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Mandat de recherche du CRS-NDI

Sous l'angle de la recherche collaborative pour une intelligence sociale transformatrice, les études menées au CRS-NDI sont appelées à construire une interdisciplinarité active avec l'ensemble des huit domaines scientifiques définis par le Réseau pour l’excellence de l’enseignement supérieur en Afrique de l’Ouest (REESAO).

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