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Une communauté de chercheurs

Who are we?

The Center for Socio-Theological Research Our Lady of Inculturation (CRS-NDI) is an ecclesiastical center for interdisciplinary research canonically attached to the Family of Institutes of Consecrated Life called "Our Lady of Inculturation" (Sons of Our Lady of Inculturation and Daughters of Our Lady of Inculturation).

The CRS-NDI is a restructuring acted on October 1, 2001 of the QIC Center. Its civil sponsor is the Association “ Community Intellectual District »

(no. 043/MISAT/DC/SG/DAI/SAAP of July 19, 1990).

The CRS-NDI works for the scientific valorization of the research work of the ecclesial movement of inculturation born in Bohicon (Benin) on October 19, 1970 under the name of "Mewihwendo" (The Black Furrow).

CRS-NDI applies itself to basic research on all aspects of culture and inculturation. It is also a service center of reason to the Church and to society.

Its headquarters are located in Rue Golfe FM, n° 901 Sikècodji (Parish of St Jean-Baptiste) Cotonou. 

Our vision

With Mary, Our Lady of Inculturation, Sedes sapientiae, welcome, meditate and explain the happy alliance of the human and the divine, of the creature and the Creator, realized in the mystery of the Incarnate Word , the Redeemer of all creation.


The mystery of the Incarnate Word exerts an irresistible fascination on us. This mystery has made possible and intelligible both the clear differentiation between the human and the divine, between the creature and the Creator, and their deep communion, which is found nowhere else in human history with so much sharpness. 
At the school of Mary, Our Lady of Inculturation, and Throne of Wisdom, we want to collect and explain the incredible grace that this mystery represents at the heart of the history of peoples caught between extreme polarities:
- a divine neutralizing the human or a human engulfing the divine;
- a divine merging with the creation or a creation purged of the divine, pure matter delivered to any form of exploitation.
We are in thanksgiving for this unprecedented clarity that the Incarnate Word introduces into history. This has its source in the joyful attraction of the Spirit at work in the heart of creation moving towards its fulfillment in the Word Incarnate and at work in the Redeemer of man himself. It finds its full realization when, moved by the Spirit, at the height of his mission, the Redeemer definitively seals the covenant between Heaven and earth in the generous gift of Himself which goes to the end (cf. Jn 13.1; Heb 9).
Inculturation is nothing other than the living expression of this mystery in the actuality of each people, where the Church is on a mission of evangelization, to assume and purify all culture by raising all that is finds in it something true, something good, something holy, by being docile in this to the mandate of the risen Christ: Go, make disciples of all Nations...» (Mt 28,16-20).

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